Everything Australian Pilots Need To Know About Flying In The US Under The E3 Visa. Plus brand new information for pilots that are not Australian Citizens

This online course contains two information and preparation videos conducted by our USA Expert Pilot Steve and resident interview expert Kirsty.  Steve started 'New Journey USA', to support other pilots embarking on a US flying experience. Steve has been employed by 2 US airlines as a pilot. 

This course also contains multiple downloads and key takeaways, US Airline HR Questions and Technical Questions + individual US airline pilot feedback notes. 

Whether you are applying to Breeze, Atlas, Gojet, Piedmont, PSA, Spirit or any of the other regional carriers under the E3 Visa, this course pulls together the answers to your questions. Please note the E3 Visa applies to Australian Citizens only.  

Opportunities arising for pilots from other countries than Australia

In recent years we have been asked many times by pilots from other countries if they can apply to flying roles in the US. The answer has always been no, as US airlines have only been willing to employ pilots through the E3 visa scheme that only applies to Australian citizens. However, there is a change in the wind! 

In this course in the second Information Video plus accompanying download -  added July 9 2022 - we explain new avenues to enter the US job market for non Australian Citizens.

We discuss what the airline covers (and does not cover). How does my partner transition? The American Pilot shortage and what that means for pilots wanting to enter the US aviation job market. Airline requirements, how to apply, what to expect in the interview and in training, navigating the E3 Visa and more.

For those who have explored the US with us before - The first information video is the webinar held in 2021 which is a deep dive into the E3 Visa. The second video was recently added and is dedicated to the recent change in salaries, packages, healthcare and the 01 Visa.

There is a third video in the works, which will be added in the coming days. Anyone purchasing the course ahead of the 3rd video being added, will automatically receive access once the new video is live.

The US Aviation landscape is changing rapidly and that makes being ready for Roadshows and the on-line interviews in advance, critical. This course will ensure you are ready to tackle this exciting opportunity.


  • 1


    • How To Use This Course

  • 2

    Flying in the USA - Video Information Sessions + downloads

    • US Application Information Session #1 (45 minute video)

    • Key Takeaways from Pilot Information Session #1

    • US Application Video Information Session #2 (21 minute video)

    • Information For Pilots From Countries Other Than Australia Wanting To Fly In The USA

    • New Journey USA - Insights Into Regional US Airlines - Technical and Behavioural Questions

    • US Airlines - Cultural Do's and Don'ts

  • 3

    Airline Pilot Feedback - by Airline

    • Breeze Airways

    • Atlas Air

    • GoJet Airlines

    • Piedmont Airlines

    • PSA Airlines

    • SkyWest Airlines

    • Commutair

    • Spirit Airlines

    • Air Wisconsin

  • 4

    What's Next?

    • What More Can You Do To Prepare For Your US Airline Interview?

What's In The Course?

Interview Preparation & Transitioning to the US for Australian Pilots - flat packed into a one-stop-shop online course

  • Video Information Session 1 & 2 give you all the information you need to know before you apply. There are Q & A sessions with Kirsty and Steve (our USA Pilot transition coach) covering all the questions you are asking us about applying, minimums, time lines, what the airline covers, E3 Visa, what happens in training and much much more.

  • This is an on-demand course, you can learn on your laptop, phone or iPad using our mobile app wherever you are and whenever you have time. Every time you log in, just pick up where you left off

  • 29 page Download, that covers all the key Video Information Session points

  • New Journey USA - 11-page PDF Download – Regional Airline HR Questions

  • New Journey USA - 11-page PDF Download – Regional Airline Technical Questions (+ answer suggestions)

  • Individual Airline Pilot Interview Feedback Notes. We are including specific notes for 8 airlines (more to come):

  • Breeze, Atlas, GoJet, Piedmont, PSA, Spirit, Commutair and SkyWest

  • This course includes 36 downloads (yours to keep) and counting!

New Journey USA's Steve's take on working in the US

Insights from Steve about his experience in America as a pilot, which has often been reflected in feedback by others making the trip over:

“The American journey is a great experience for pilots and their families. The people are great, they love our accent by the way.  The natural wonders and history is awesome to see. It is a very interesting country. 

The training is all about big 'T' and little 'C', they do a fantastic job, and while there is work involved - it is not that hard to transition.  

When you consider things like our main city of Sydney having two runways and a cross strip, look at the US where it is quite common for airports to have up to 8 runways with plans to double that, and they handle it with relative ease.  

The Rocky Mountains are up to 14,440 ft high, with snow and ice are a yearly operation event, which is taken in their stride by airlines with a can-do attitude that is not so common here in Australia.

I thoroughly recommend going across for the experience, but be aware of the risks and limitations, mitigate accordingly.  Income for the first 18 months is an example.

I found the two airlines I worked with to be big happy families and a delight to be part of, I am sure you will too.”